By default, documents saved in Word 2010 are saved with the .docx extension. Microsoft Word can be used for the following purposes:
To create business documents having various graphics including pictures, charts, and diagrams.
To store and reuse ready-made content and formatted elements such as cover pages and sidebars.
To create letters and letterheads for personal and business purpose.
To design different documents such as resumes or invitation cards etc.
To create a range of correspondence from a simple office memo to legal copies and reference documents. Manage Word Documents
To execute the above tasks easily and faster, the following short cut keys can be used;
1. Manage Word Documents
Ctrl+n Create new documentCtrl+o Open document
Ctrl+w Close document
Ctrl+s Save document
F12 Save document as
Ctrl+p Print document/ print preview
Ctrl+F6 Switch between multiple Word documents
Alt, then f, r Open Recent (file, recent)
2. Navigate within Documents
Arrow Left/Arrow Right Jump one character to the left / to the rightCtrl+Arrow Left/Ctrl+Arrow Right Jump one word to the left / to the right
End/Home Jump to the end of a line / beginning of a line
Arrow Down/Arrow Up Jump one line down / one line down
Ctrl+Arrow Down/ Ctrl+Arrow Up Jump one paragraph down / one paragraph up
Page Down/Page Up Jump one screen down/ one screen up
Alt+Ctrl+Page Down/ Alt+Ctrl+Page Up Jump to top / to bottom of visible window
Ctrl+End/Ctrl+Home Jump to end / to beginning of document
F6 Cycle through Ribbon/open panes/Status Bar/document window
Ctrl+g or f5 Go to a page, bookmark, footnote, table, comment, graphic, or other location
Alt+Ctrl+z Go back to previously edited location in document (up to 4 places)
Shift+F5 Go to a the last change or revision. Also works after opening document.
Ctrl+Shift+F5 Set, go to and edit bookmarks
Alt+Ctrl+Home Set Browse Options. Press the arrow keys to select an option, and
then press enter to browse through a document by using the selected option
Ctrl+Page Down/Ctrl+Page Up Move to next / move to previous browser object as set in
Browse Options
3. Select Text
Shift+Arrow Right/ Shift+Arrow Left Extend selection one character to the right / to the leftCtrl+Shift+Arrow Right/ Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Left Extend selection one word to the right / to the left
Shift+End/Shift+Home Extend selection to the end / to beginning of a line
Shift+Arrow Down/ Shift+Arrow Up Extend selection one line down / one line up
Shift+Page Down/ Shift+Page Up Extend selection one screen down / one screen up
Ctrl+Shift+End/ Ctrl+Shift+Home Extend selection to end / to beginning of document
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Page Down/ Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Page Up Extend selection to end / to beginning of
visible window
Ctrl+a Extend selection to entire document
Arrow Keys Cancel selection and return to beginning / to end of selection
F8 Turn Extend Mode on: Extend selection without pressing shift
Arrow keys , Page up/Page down Extend selection in Extended Mode:
F8 Extend selection further by word, paragraph, document in
Extended Mode
Shift+F8 Reduce the size of a selection in Extended Mode
Ctrl+Shift+f8, and arrow keys Select a vertical block of text in Extended Mode
Esc Turn extend mode off
F8 Extend a selection to a specific location in a document
4. Undo, Copy and Paste
Ctrl+z Undo the last actionCtrl+y Redo the last action
Ctrl+c Copy selected text or object
Ctrl+x Cut selected text or object
Ctrl+v Paste selected text or object
Ctrl+Shift+c Copy text format
Ctrl+Shift+v Paste text format
Ctrl+Alt+v Paste special
Ctrl+v, then Ctrl, then k Paste and keep Source Formatting
Ctrl+v, then Ctrl, then t Paste and keep Text only
Ctrl+F3 Cut to the Spike (separate clipboard)
Ctrl+Shift+F3 Paste from the Spike
F3 Paste AutoText ( after start typing)
Alt+Shift+r Copy the header or footer from previous section of the document